
Uploadingmediaitemsisatwo-stepprocess:UploadthebytesofyourmediafilestoaGoogleServerusingtheuploadsendpoint.Thisreturnsanupload ...,GoogleImages.Themostcomprehensiveimagesearchontheweb.,Homeforallyourphotosandvideos,automaticallyorganizedandeasytoshare.,下載Google相簿行動應用程式.在Android裝置上備份及查看相片。適用於電腦.下載Google雲端硬碟電腦版.透過Google雲端硬碟將相片從電腦自動備份至Google相...

Upload media

Uploading media items is a two-step process: Upload the bytes of your media files to a Google Server using the uploads endpoint. This returns an upload ...

Google Images

Google Images. The most comprehensive image search on the web.

Sign in

Home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share.


下載Google 相簿行動應用程式. 在Android 裝置上備份及查看相片。 適用於電腦. 下載Google 雲端硬碟電腦版. 透過Google 雲端硬碟將相片從電腦自動備份至Google 相簿.

Photos Resources

Upload manually in a browser · Open the folder from where you want to upload photos · Select one or more photos. · Click UPLOAD in the right hand lower corner.

將存放在Google 雲端硬碟中的相片和影片加到Google 相簿中

您可以將存放在Google 雲端硬碟中的相片加到Google 相簿中,以便整理各項服務的相片和影片。 事前準備作業. 相片必須大於256 像素。 檔案類型必須為.jpg、.heic、.png、.

Google Photos

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share.